Business management expert Peter Drucker said there is nothing worse than doing the wrong thing well. Corporate performance management (CPM), enabled by technology, can help you in these performance areas:
You are drowning in data, but lack actionable information. You need visibility into performance to find what’s relevant and distribute this information in a timely way.
Your planning systems are disconnected and unwieldy. You need to integrate separate planning systems across departments so they work together.
You need a common language that defines your business drivers and you need to communicate them systematically throughout the organization.
You need a complete line of sight across departments, into historical results, and forward into projected returns, to understand the key drivers and trends. You can then adjust your course of action as necessary
Make business more predictable: Planning and Consolidation
Eliminate problems such as:
Planning and consolidation is inflexible and takes too long—the result is not worth the effort.
Planning and consolidation is inflexible and takes too long—the result is not worth the effort.
Planning and consolidation is done by Finance and doesn’t engage the organization effectively, reducing buy-in.
Performance targets are best-guess rather than predictable, leading to problems with the market and shareholders.
Make people accountable: Scorecarding
Eliminate problems such as:
You can’t communicate and distribute responsibility for your strategy as effectively as you want.
It’s difficult for people to know where action is needed the most. For example, customer profitability is the boardroom goal but your metrics are based on total revenue.
You base performance metrics on what can be measured, rather than what you want the strategy says you must accomplish.